


Our Company comes back from over than 30 years of family experience and tradition, in the quarrying of ornamental rocks.

FARLIGHTSTONE is a company whose activity is the extraction of natural stone, owning stone quarries in Fátima and Aljubarrota, that allows our clients to have the possibility to select several qualities of limestone rocks.

A young company that benefits from the experience of her Manager, Sandra Farto, as well as of the employees, who have taken their knowledge to FARLIGHTSTONE, allowing the company to have the know-how and most recent technologies and techniques of stone quarrying, resulting in the production of blocks of high quality.

Our offices are located in Rio Maior, where we centralize the control and management of our company, as well as, doing a daily supervision of the production evolution.

It´s a company with a professional spirit, where we assure the accuracy, the requirements and the quality that our clients expect from us, at the same time that we assure the well being of our employees.

The experience of the human resources, the ambition and the capacity to survive among the difficulties, made our company to have inherent values, stimulating it to be more and more efficient and competent in the development of its activity.

FARLIGHTSTONE values the knowledge and the effort of searching new and better solutions to answer the needs and expectations of those who relate with us.